Sunday, August 5, 2007

All good things must come to an end...

Alas, my friends, there will be no new posts regarding the Lockley. After briefly considering keeping it in addition to my "new" boat, I decided it best to sell it and to turn my focus to the big boat. I sold it today to a very nice couple from the Columbus, OH area and they seem very happy with it. I will be leaving my previous postings on the Lockley here as a reference to others as well as a nostaligic look back for myself!

In the meantime, I will be moving forward on the purchase of my "new" boat this week. It's a 1972 Columbia 26 MKII. I will be keeping the boat docked in Sandusky, OH on Lake Erie (quite a bit bigger that Cowan Lake)! You can check out some photos below.

I will also be starting a new blog on the Columbia's adventures, likely at a new address. So keep posted and soon I will post the link on this page.

Happy sailing, and here's to the new owners! May they get as much enjoyment out of the Lockley as I have.


The Columbia:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The new owners here. Couldn't wait to try out our new family member, so we took her out in the O'Shawnasty Resevoir last night.
Had ourselves a nice time!
And, no, that is not a typo on the name. It took an hour of scrubbing to get the slime off the haul!
Thanks Joe!